Sunday, June 29, 2008

An Army Wife poem

I've noticed in my present job,there is a tiny quirk.
There's no respect at all and it's not considered work.
Well, I am here to show you another point of view, and give you an idea of what I really do!
Here's my job description and to better understand, it's written in the language of the Army Man.
I'm the IG, complaints come to me.
I am the Medic, I bandage skinned knees.
I'm the Legal Office and the court martial,too.
I decide the punishment, how much and on who, I'm Health: Welfare, inspecting for junk,
and the 1SGT checking the bunk.
I'm also Supply, in charge of food,clothes,housewares,diapers,toys,heaven only knows.
I'm the MP, who secures the door, I'm also the PVT who GI's the floor,
I'm the Mess SGT who cooks all the meals.
I'm TMP in charge of the wheels.
I'm MWR planning all the fun and I am the Bugler, announcing the "day is done".
I'm the KP, who does all the dishes, I am the DA who hears all your wishes.
I'm the CQ and the Fireguard, too, there isn't that much that I don't do.
I'm the instructor too, you see, because what is learned is taught by me.
I'm the Squad Leader, who knows his troops well, sometimes the Drill SGT who really can yell.
I'm the S4, S1, 2, 3, just about everything must come through me!
Appropriations, taskings, commitments too, I'm responsible for all we do.
I never go to battle, and AR of some sort, but you can count on me to bravely guard the fort.
I'm ALWAYS on duty, I never take leave, no Holidays off, it's hard to believe!
I can never ETS, I signed for life, my primary MOS is Mother, my secondary is Army Wife.
For all my devotion, to duty, my LES says" NO PAY DUE " because I'm not paid in money, but in the words of " I LOVE YOU".

To all our family, Billy is definetly deploying in September, there will be no Medboard. Just thought I'd post the poem from my deployment handbook from FRG. It definetly tells of the life of an Army wife. I am going through what they call stage 1 of emotional stages of deployment, which is anticipation of departure where reality starts to sink in and tempers flare against other people as you try to make memorable times before deployment. Well I know that feeling quite well at this point in time. Hope all our family and friends back home are doing well, know you are missed and loved by us very much.............

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