Friday, May 2, 2008

The Infantryman is soooo happy!!!

Well I just talked to Sir William and he is so estatic that he doesn't care if it runs into his leave, he woohooed so loud his Mortar platoon asked him if everything was okay and he said it was more than okay he was going to be a Daddy again. And the names have been chosen thanks to Mom and Dad Laporte and Mom Webb. William said we will decide if it's a boy if it will be Andrew Joseph Laporte or Joseph Andrew Laporte, and if it is a girl it will be Madeline Mae Laporte (Maddy for short) another M&M. a special thanks to Mom and Dad Laporte for being so happy right along with us and if I do get pregnant before he goes to Iraq, I will come home for about 3 months. That way my doctor here can deliver the baby instead of Lincoln county my husband said, because of course I will have to have a c-section but it will be worth it in the end. And after the baby is born and I heal up real good I will bring him or her home to see everyone. Just pray for a healthy baby we don't really care about the sex of it as long as Mom and baby are healthy. We are so excited. Our baby is 5 years old so it will definetly be different beings all our children are alot older but that just means extra hands to help out with Daddy being gone. And beings it will be a c-section it will be a planned operation so he will take his leave then to be home for the birth. But if he can't get it then, I would like to fly Mom Laporte here for the birth beings she is my best friend other then my husband. And they will have him on a computer cam in a private room in Iraq to watch from there,, so he will still be there to see his son or daughter born. Well I am going to go to bed cause all my meds have made me exhausted. I love all of you and miss you bunches and I will talk to you later.
Love Tink
p.s. If it is a girl her nursery will be Tinkerbell according to Daddy and big Sis. And if it is a boy it will be trucks and trains...Love and kisses to all. Love you Cameron, Chris and Kailey and Buncle Bill said hello and he loves you too....

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