Friday, May 2, 2008

Good News Everyone.....

Well I have good news everyone!!!! I have an ultrasound done on May 30 at 4:45 p.m. to make sure everything in my pelvic area is okay, all you ladies should know what that means, my gyno tests all came back good and I am still fertile. And if the ultrasound comes back just as good they will be doing a tubal reversal before my sweet prince leaves for Iraq, which means we will be adding another Laporte to the clan. I am so excited, and Billy will be too when I finally get to talk to him and tell him the good news. I am so excited I can't hold it in. But I do have an infected cut on my index finger on the right hand and I have edema (swelling in both hands, bothe feet and one leg. I am healthy enough to have a baby though and the right weight and age for the operation. All my friends here ask if I'm sure that I would rather have bigger boobs, no I want to have a baby with the very special man in my life, the baby would be loved more than a set of fake boobs. He is a wonderful Daddy to his Lil Squirt here so this would make it even more special. He is one of a kind. Plus this baby would be spoiled right along with all the other grandbabies in our clan. And our clan will be so excited too. I don't really care what other people think only our families. We'll be having pizza and a movie at the SSgt.s house tonight and my sweetheart comes home on Mother's day now. I just sent him a whole box of goodies and a wallet size school pic of his Lil Squirt. So to all the family you will be getting yours soon too. And Dad, get those rapiers ready your box should be there next week it went out today. With special pics of your granddaughter but everyone pray about the ultrasound and tubal reversal and a healthy baby , and start coming up with some names to chose from. I can't wait...LOL. Well gotta get the house finished for our mortar FRG barbecue I'm having here tomorrow. Love all of you and miss you much, and if the surgery happens to be scheduled during his leave I hope you wouldn't be mad, we just want another Laporte to carry on the family name so it doesn't end with Billy plus we're older now and can handle it better than when we were younger. Love you much and can't wait to see you all. Oh yeah come to find out I am allergic to hay and straw, my hands are very red and itchy from picking up a bale to grass seed my backyard but that's the price you pay to have nice things....

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