Saturday, April 19, 2008

My Sweet Prince SPC. William J. Laporte

I found my prince charming..He is the best husband any woman would be proud to have. I am very lucky and loved. He is my hero, my hero doesn't wear a cape, he wears combat boots. He is the half that makes me whole, and he loves me unconditionally even through my darkest days. He is an awesome Dad, and his babygirl cries whenever he is gone for days or weeks at a time, she has bad dreams, but as soon as Daddy gets home she is back to her normal ornery self..He is my safe harbor..My Army wife friends always tell their husbands "Why can't you be like Laporte", he spends all his time with his family and is family oriented, and they tell me how lucky I am to have found a man like him in a world full of chaos, hurt and pain. And they are all right. We are Muskateers, "All for one, and one for all". He learned from the best, I could not tell you enough how lucky I am to have the family I have beside me.They stand by me and make me feel like there isn't anything I can't face. And yes that is all of you. I have the best in-laws anyone could ask for, except they are not in-laws to me, they are my Mom, Dad, Sister and neice and nephews..And they are my support system, even when I get crazy sometimes. They love me unconditionally and make me feel like I am special and they took us in as one of them..Know you are all loved and special to us and no one could ever take your places in our hearts..Well love everyone and I'll write more tomorrow...

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