Thursday, April 17, 2008

The life of a soldier's wife.

I never knew heartache until I watch my soldier walk out the door. I always want to call him back for just one more kiss, hug and another I love you. You never know if it will be the last time you see him, and you want to make sure he knows how much he means to you.It feels like half of me is gone and that it is all just a dream you'll wake up from. You suffer from sleep deprivation, you seem like your in robot mode day in and day out. Sure you have family and friends but it's not the same.I sleep with his shirt or whatever has his smell on it.Our daughter wakes up and cries in her sleep. But deep in my heart I am one of the strongest, proudest women you will ever know. I am strong for my husband so he comes home safe, and even when things aren't going good I still tell him everything is okay. And pride,yeah I am very proud to be his wife and I am proud of what he stands for, a better tomorrow for all.When he is home I watch his every move and count all his steps as he leaves,they are my memories that I keep for rainy days, which lately has been alot. With him I am everything, without him I am nothing...I love you SPC. William Joseph Laporte, you are my past, present and future. And I thank you for being my saving grace in a world of chaos and hurt.

1 comment:

Heather said...

We love you Tina! You can always come home!