Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Military Wife

John Conlee has it right in his song They also serve. I tuck my daughter in bed and tell nightly Daddy is going to be alright. I put away the grocery, I play Mom and Dad, I sleep alone for over a year at a time and during training it's months at a time. But I love the man I married and I wouldn't change it for the world. Some women say how can you do that all the time, well my response to that is "That's why we are considered the strongest women in the world". This job is not made for everyone and I see that daily. Some women are just not made for this job and if you aren't strong enough to handle being alone and taking care of everything and I do mean everything down to fixing the kitchen sink if it breaks or leaks then don't do it, because it only makes it harder for our soldiers to deal with their jobs over there and they come home all messed up if not dead. So for all you women considering marrying a soldier think about the job ahead of you, it takes a special kind of woman....Tonight me and the Platoon SGT. wife are going to play BUNCO, not sure what that is but it's worth a try right.Something to do to pass the time while they are away. Then Saturday her and I are going to a murder mystery dinner for FRG, again something to pass the time that may be fun for all. Her and her husband just moved here from Fort Jackson South Carolina where he was a Drill SGT. Cool ass SSGT. though. My husband thinks very highly of him which is cool, he doesn't judge people and he sticks up for his soldiers which is what this Squad needed...Thank you SSGT. Lunn you are appreciated....Well I'll write more later or tommorrow, have a good day. And God Bless Our Troops..

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