Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A Fun Night Out for the Girls

Well we went to play BUNCO last night, they only had room for one extra player so I let Amee Larsen go and play, but lucky for me they open the pool tables on Tues. and Thurs. from 7p.m. to close for free. Yeah that's more my style but I still had fun hanging out with the girls. I should say the Mortar girls...We have our own FRG thing going beings there is only four of us..We're all on for Friday night at Melanie Lunn's house. You'd think a SSGT's wife would be stuck up but not her or him for that matter, they really care about their people, which we found kind of odd at first but hey we're all a little odd aren't we..They at least accept my crazy ass self..Which all of you who know me can be hard at times..My sweet prince is still in the freakin desert but he's okay and that's all that matters...I still can't wait till he comes home, he's my best friend, actually he's my everything..Well I'm gonna go for now may write more later, everyone have a good one and talk to ya later...

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