Sunday, July 6, 2008

One Life to Live

When you live on a military installation ,you see what has to happen to make sure they come home safe..There is no greater fear then waking up without him here..Yeah I may be lonely alot but with all the training he gets now, the more I won't be lonely when he comes home to me...There are times in life when you gotta crawl,but God gave us mountains so we can learn to climb..If the road was always flat it wouldn't be much of a challenge to live this life to the fullest..When you can't lean on noone else that's when you find yourself...I hope and pray for the best and always expect the worst.....That way it is not a letdown when things around me fall...My soldier was raised in a very strong willed family, and he's to stubborn to do anything but survive..So I believe he will always come home to me just like Dad Laporte always came home before him...Thank you for raising such a stubborn, but loving man..You have both got to be the most proudest parents, and if not you should be, you raised two wonderful children.

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