Sunday, August 31, 2008

My Infantryman is Deploying

To all of our family and friends, the time has come and I know he's ready but I'm not to sure I am. We have 2 more days and he's gone for a year. What I'll do without my best friend for a year is nothing, I'll suck it up and live each day waiting for my travelin soldier to come home. And to our friends Angel and Aida, you will be sorely missed, you have both been my rock to lean on in times of sadness, and one to pat me on the back through the good times. You are my little piece of home(Philly). I hope everything works out for you..Have fun in Florida but don't forget the ones you've lefted behind. You have touched all our hearts and lives in many ways..Some people come in and out of your life so quickly , and some leave footprints on our hearts forever..Peace out...

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