Monday, February 15, 2010

It's been awhile!!!!

It has been quite awhile since I have been on here and done anything. My husband is now home from Iraq, we have moved to Fort Benning in Georgia. We are loving being home in the South! Although we have already seen snow here, what is up with that? Well it is time for me to unpack some more stuff and finish laundry for the day! A military wife's work is never done! And ohhhh how I am learning this!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Pros and Cons of a deployment...

Well you sure do find out what you are made of when you don't have your other half to lean on. I was rushed by ambulance to the hospital the other day because I collasped and didn't know what was wrong. Come to find out I had a kidney stone that was 3mm in size and they sent me home with meds to pass it. Talk about pain, I'd rather be run over by a car then ever feel like that again. I finally passed it in the middle of the night last night and was so relieved and happy. But after telling my sweet soldier that is deployed, he wanted to come home and take care of his Precious, but as he called me I am stubborn and I was determined to do this on my own as well and let him finish his work over there with his battle buddies. I would of felt bad if he would of come home to take care of me because of a kidney stone and something would of happened to his guys, he would of felt terrible as well. I am glad the ordeal is over with and I made it through on top without help or having to bring the Warrior home to take care of me and our daughter. God Bless my Warrior and the others who stand by him, I know your pain.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

I miss you more with each passing day!

I miss you baby more with each passing day. It's like being lost in the woods and I can't find my way. You mean the world to me and the world you must save, so I miss you more with each passing day. I hope that they realize what a fine man they have over there, because I sure do while you are not here. I'll never take you for granted or the time we can spend, until it is time for you to go again. You make me so very proud of all that you do, I hope that I make you proud as well too. When I get to say Good day to you , you always have to say Good night, so go save the world my sweet prince and know that everything will be alright.

You know I just sat here and came up with this off the top of my head, but it truely says how I feel about my love, my husband, my hero and my soulmate for life. I'll never understand the things he will have to do, but I will love him and miss him no matter what life throws at us. He is the one constant in my life that I know will never leave me other than my children. And I bet you wonder to yourself how does she know this, I have known since the day I first laid my eyes on him that he was the man I had been waiting for all my life, it just took some twists and turns down the road of life for us to find each other. And yeah with the job he has to do I always know there will be bumps in the road, but at least we will see each other through whatever comes our way.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Wait for me by Theory of a Deadman this is my song to u my love.....

Lyrics to Wait For Me :You are not alone tonightImagine me there by your sideIt's so hard to be here so far away from youI'm counting the days till I'm finally doneI'm counting them down, yeah, one by oneIt feels like forever till I return to youBut it helps me on those lonely nightsIt's that one thing that keeps me alive[Chorus:]Knowing that you wait for meEver so patientlyNo one else knows the feeling insideWe hang up the phone without saying goodnightBecause it's the sound of your voice that brings me homeIt's never been easy to sayBut it's easier when I've gone away[Chorus:]Knowing that you wait for meEver so patientlyYeah, you're everything I've ever dreamed of having andIt's everything I need from you just knowing that you wait for me[Bridge:]What I'd giveWhat I'd doKnowing I'm not there for youMakes it so hard to leaveWhat I'd giveWhat I'd doAnything to get me home to youAnd this time I'll stayAnd you wait for meEver so patientlyYeah, you're everything I've ever dreamed of having and It's everything I need from you just knowing that you wait for me[ Wait For Me Lyrics on ]

Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Loneliness

It has been very hard for the past 45 days. But I've held my head high and march on. The loneliness really kicks in the most when he doesn't walk through the door everyday with a smile on his face even though he had a bad day, watching him walk around, even talk to him, some people take that stuff for granted but not me, I am an Army Wife and I have to cherish all the moments I can.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

My Infantryman is Deploying

To all of our family and friends, the time has come and I know he's ready but I'm not to sure I am. We have 2 more days and he's gone for a year. What I'll do without my best friend for a year is nothing, I'll suck it up and live each day waiting for my travelin soldier to come home. And to our friends Angel and Aida, you will be sorely missed, you have both been my rock to lean on in times of sadness, and one to pat me on the back through the good times. You are my little piece of home(Philly). I hope everything works out for you..Have fun in Florida but don't forget the ones you've lefted behind. You have touched all our hearts and lives in many ways..Some people come in and out of your life so quickly , and some leave footprints on our hearts forever..Peace out...

Saturday, August 2, 2008

The past comes back to haunt you...

You never really know how something affected you as a child until it comes back on your own child.My daughter received a phone call from what is supposed to be called a Father, when I heard a baby in the background calling him Daddy, I of course asked who it was and he said"My son". Yeah he got married in July and his wife's son is calling him Daddy, not that this is a bad thing but the fact of the matter is he can't even be a father to his real children, or take care of them financially, but yet he can take care of someone else's. Do you know how this made my baby feel? I do, I've been there, it makes you wonder what is wrong with you that your own father can't even treat you like his but can do this for someone else. Don't get me wrong, she has a wonderful Daddy that loves and adores her, but it just makes you feel like shit...Her Daddy wanted to go rip his heart through his ass to show him how it felt when he found out last night.I guess that old saying " Anyone can be a father but it takes someone special to be a Daddy" rings true in this case..And I hope her father always looks back and wonders what a special young lady he missed out on, because thanks to her Daddy she will have it all....