Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Pros and Cons of a deployment...

Well you sure do find out what you are made of when you don't have your other half to lean on. I was rushed by ambulance to the hospital the other day because I collasped and didn't know what was wrong. Come to find out I had a kidney stone that was 3mm in size and they sent me home with meds to pass it. Talk about pain, I'd rather be run over by a car then ever feel like that again. I finally passed it in the middle of the night last night and was so relieved and happy. But after telling my sweet soldier that is deployed, he wanted to come home and take care of his Precious, but as he called me I am stubborn and I was determined to do this on my own as well and let him finish his work over there with his battle buddies. I would of felt bad if he would of come home to take care of me because of a kidney stone and something would of happened to his guys, he would of felt terrible as well. I am glad the ordeal is over with and I made it through on top without help or having to bring the Warrior home to take care of me and our daughter. God Bless my Warrior and the others who stand by him, I know your pain.